It is our goal to produce grapes of the highest quality on our sand-loam soil, according to the principles of Integrated Pest Management. By the means of soil and leaf analysis and with a structured canopy management we can achieve this standard.
Nature is our companion
From the beginning we were focussed on an ecological approach. We have chosen for permanent covering of the soil by sowing grass. This means that we will have to work more to mow the grass, but the advantage is that all the minerals and fertilizers stay in the vineyard.
Every year we enrichen our soil by lime. With this strategy we can grow good quality grapes without adding synthetic fertilizers.
No insecticides
In black grape varieties, the Drosophylla suzukii is a tremendous threat and can cause enormous damage to the grapes. We have made an ecological approach to eliminate this predator. The berries of Prunus Padus are a favourite for this insect but at the same time they are a poison for the larva.
Moreover we use nets to prevent them to invade the grapes.
Quality control
All our wines are dry vinificated in barrels of stainless steel. We have chosen for a monocepage to maintain the specific quality of each grape variety. All chemical analysis and quality control is made by a cooperation with a laboratory in Germany.
This gives us the warranty of delivering a good product.